Elder D. Andrew Greenman

Our son, Elder Andrew Greenman, has been called to serve in the Mozambique Maputo Mission. He has asked me to create this blog so that you, the reader, can read his letters to home. His current writing address is found below along with the most recent letter.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Elder Carl B. Cook's Comments about Elder Greenman

Last week Elder Cook worked personally with Elder Greenman and his companion, Elder Largent and made a baptismal commitment with Armando. It was a special experience for all involved, even Elder Cook. This morning I received this email from him. Note that before his call to Africa, he has worked extensively on a project with Elder Greenman's grandfather as Mayor of Burley.

Dear Brother and Sister Greenman,

I meant to copy you in on this email I sent to my good friend Mayor Greenman, but I did not have an address for you.  Now I do.  I had such a wonderful time with your son.  He is serving a great mission and making a difference.
He is happy and a great mission leader.

Thank you for raising such a fine son who is serving so well.
All the best,
Carl Cook

Dear Mayor Greenman,

What a surprise I received on a recent tour to Mozambique.  I met the mission leaders and one introduced himself as Elder Greenman from Burley Idaho.  I was so excited. I could not wait to make a connection to him.  As we talked together, no doubt I was able to confirm that he is your grandson.  And I do mean “Grand” son.  I love Elder Greeman.  I was able to go teaching with him and his companion.  Elder Greenman is such a kind, and loving person.  He is engaging.  He is a great teacher.  He has the Spirit with him.  I was so happy to be able to get to know him.  He is a tribute to his family.    We had a wonderful time.   I must also add that President Kretly has much love and appreciation for Elder Greenman.  He is doing a fantastic job in his assignment.  He is playing a very important role during the day, in addition to teaching in the afternoons and evening.  He is balancing everything so well.

I hope you and your wife and family are doing well.  I think of you often and hope that things in Burley are continuing to rise.  No doubt they are.  Your leadership in the City has and will continue to make a difference. 

It was so nice to make this Greenman connection in Africa.  It really is a small word. 

With love and appreciation,

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