Elder D. Andrew Greenman

Our son, Elder Andrew Greenman, has been called to serve in the Mozambique Maputo Mission. He has asked me to create this blog so that you, the reader, can read his letters to home. His current writing address is found below along with the most recent letter.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Q & A

Below are some questions that Dave asked Andrew this week. You can try your hand at deciphering Spanish--the questions are in Spanish, but lucky for you, reader, the answers are in English:

1. tu compenetro siempre era miembro de la iglesia o se convertio? como era su conversión y como llego a la decisión de servir una misión?

2.Cuales animales has visto?

3. cuales insectos te dan miedo?

4. cuantas cartas y emails recibes cada semana? quien te ha escrito desde que llegaste a Africa?

5. cual porcentaje de la gente pueden leer suficiente para entender el libro de mormón?

6. cuantas personas viven en Dondo? hay un clase rica, mediano y pobre? que hacen en cada clase para trabajo?

7. Cuantos anos van a la escuela?

8. Cuales tipos de negocios hay?

9. danos una lista de las tres cosas mas locas que has comido.

10. Cuan altas son las personas?

11. cual deporte es el mas popular?

12. porque es tan deficial para personas casarse? cuanto sale y porque? cuales leyes hay que lo hacen deficil?

13. hay personas que toquen piano? hay un piano en la iglesia?

Okay, I know I'm not the best at writing letters home.  A lot of times I leave some things out.  This week will be an attempt to explain a little bit more about my mission.  First off  the Mozambique Maputo Mission includes Angola, but at the same time it doesn't.  Angola is functioning as a separate mission but isn't yet officially a mission.  Also when I came into the mission I came in on a 3 week transfer.  The mission had to change it's transfer schedule which means that in a little less than two years my departure date will now be in the middle of a transfer.   To solve this President has given the missionaries the opportunity to choose whether or not the want to come home three weeks early or stay an extra three weeks.  (I hope that makes sense)
My companion Elder Lopes is from Cape Verde.  He is 23 years old and speaks creole, Portuguese, and is learning English.  He's a convert to the church and was baptized when he was 14 years old.  He's helping me with my Portuguese and I am helping him with his English.
A lot of people here think that there are loads of animals here.  Well.... there aren't.  During the war here the people were destitute and starving.  They killed practically everything.  Many killed just to kill.  The only animals I've seen here are Cats, Dogs, and a two domesticated monkeys.  Oh and I've also seen one more thing....do mosquitoes count as animals?
Now for a little bit about the Mozambican culture:
Everyone here is either dirt poor or  excessively rich. Generally speaking most everyone can read here.  Sometimes we'll come across someone who can't and usually it's a female.  Everyone here is super nice and kind.  Always willing to talk.  That being the case it's easy to find contacts, the hard part is finding people that will actually apply what we teach them to their lives.  No one here is married officially, they all say that they have the desire to get married but they say that they don't have enough money (about 1000 Metacais), or they still don't know if the marriage would work out if they did get married and that they want to wait a little more to make sure. (they say this even when they already have like 6 kids)
There have also been questions asking what kind of crazy food I've eaten. 
To be honest, the food here isn't really crazy. The closest I've gotten to crazy is eaten fish.  (That means eating the eyeballs, the head, and the bones.)
Well my Internet Time is just about up so, Until next week.
-Elder Greenman

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